5 Surprising Tips for Lower Back Muscle Pain Relief

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5 Surprising Tips for Lower Back Muscle Pain 

What Causes Back Lower Pain

Pain in the lower back can seriously interfere with work and personal life. Unfortunately, most people experience lower back pain at some point throughout their lives. In fact, it is the most common reason for job-related disability in the United States. The lower back is prone to pain and injury because it contains fewer vertebrae than the rest of the spine and is still responsible for bearing the upper body’s weight. The lower back also experiences the most movement, which adds to stress. There are many causes of lower back pain, including arthritis, fractures, sprains, and strains. However, pain may persist or become chronic due to an irritated nerve, disc, or joint issue. For example, the Sacroiliac joints connect the bottom of the spine to each side of the pelvis and absorb shock and tension between the lower and upper body. As a result, the joints can suffer stress and inflammation leading to pain and discomfort.

How to Relieve Lower Back Pain

Pain in the lower back can cause severe discomfort disabling you from performing daily tasks. Regardless of what is causing the pain in your lower back, you will undoubtedly want to find adequate relief. Fortunately, there are some ways to promote relief significantly.

1. Getting Enough Sleep

Getting enough sleep is crucial to reducing pain. Insufficient sleep can worsen pain and affect the amount of pain a person can tolerate. In addition, proper sleep is necessary to heal the body’s tissue and restore energy levels. Your sleep may be affected if your mattress or pillows are uncomfortable or do not provide proper support. Improper sleep posture can also contribute to pain. You should ensure that the spine remains in a neutral position during sleep. It is best to sleep on your back. If you cannot sleep unless you are on your side, you should switch sides periodically to reduce stress on the spine.

2. Stretching

Getting into the routine of stretching every day for a few minutes can help a great deal in alleviating pain and preventing future pain. Stretching relaxes the spine’s muscles, increases circulation, and encourages your body to strengthen weak muscles, which can help relieve pain. The yoga stretch called “Childs Pose” is known to help reduce tightness in the lower back. Some other common stretches known to be helpful are the knee-to-chest stretch, the cat-cow stretch, and hamstring stretches.

3. Exercising  

While it may seem counterproductive to exercise while your lower back is in pain, the proper type of movement can help eliminate the pain you are experiencing by strengthening your core and lower back muscles. Although, it is essential to know that not all exercises are beneficial for reducing pain. Avoid sit-ups, leg lifts, and toe-touch exercises, which may add stress to the spine instead of decreasing it. That being said, there are several safe and helpful exercises available. Partial crunches are a safe yet effective way to strengthen the lower back and abdominal muscles. Some other safe and effective workouts are pelvic tilts, wall-sits, and swimming. 

4. Wearing the Right Shoes

Wearing the correct shoes can most definitely impact the health of your lower back. Many people do not realize how much your shoes influence lower back pain. The wrong shoes can even be the direct cause of lower back pain. Our shoes must provide adequate support and cushion to the arches of our feet. High heels and flat shoes that do not provide the needed support can contribute to pain. Wearing shoes that are too small or tight may change how you walk, adding stress to your lower back. Cushioning insoles are a great way to provide the necessary support and avoid stress.

5. Improve Overall Health

Lower back pain is more likely to occur if you are overweight, have poor nutrition, or are overstressed. When a person is overweight, the spine can become tilted and stressed to compensate for the extra weight. In addition, excess weight in the stomach can pull the pelvis forward, adding to the pain in the lower back. Furthermore, inflammation is a primary contributor to pain. Overeating sugars and processed foods increase inflammation, which leads to increased pain. Embracing a nutrient-rich diet with all the necessary vitamins and minerals is a massive step to eliminating and preventing pain in the lower back. Finally, stress releases hormones that cause muscles to tighten. When our muscles are tight, there is less blood flow to the muscle tissue. Less blood flow  means less oxygen and fewer nutrients are delivered, which causes pain. While you cannot avoid stress entirely, learning how to manage it is vital.

How to get relief from lower back pain using a Sacroiliac Belt

The Sacroiliac joints, or SI joints as often called, connect the base of the spine to the pelvis. The ligaments surrounding the SI joints prevent the joints from moving too much. However, if the ligaments are injured or worn down by age, they allow the SI joints more movement than they should, causing pain and discomfort to the pelvis and lower back. This condition is called sacroiliac joint dysfunction. A sacroiliac belt provides compression and support around the hip to prevent that excessive movement of the SI joints. The belt is wrapped and tightened around the pelvis. When worn correctly, a sacroiliac belt will help reduce pain in the lower back, promote good posture, and reduce sacroiliac joint inflammation.


Lower back issues, unfortunately, are a common thing many people experience. It can cause severe pain and discomfort, interfering with work and daily life. Although, through proper care and caution, you can help to eliminate lower back pain and prevent it from returning. Stretching, exercising, getting enough sleep, wearing the right shoes, and improving overall health, along with wearing a sacroiliac belt, are just a few great tips to decrease pain. However, if the pain becomes unbearable and these methods are ineffective, reach out to a medical professional for help.

Featured Clinician: Anthony Maritato, PT 

FEATURED CLINICIAN: Anthony Maritato, PT Anthony Maritato, PT, MSPT, is a licensed physical therapist and co-founder of Total Therapy Solutions, a private practice outpatient physical therapy business that focuses on

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