Telemedicine is the use of electronic communication and software to provide clinical services to patients without an in-person wait. Telemedicine allows health care professionals to evaluate, diagnose and treat patients at a distance using telecommunication technology. The approach has grown in the last decade, and it is becoming an increasingly important part of the healthcare infrastructure.
This has helped Physical Therapist and their Patients by reducing their chance of contact, especially during the last Pandemic. Both Physical Therapists and their clients are finding virtual Physical therapy surprisingly effective.
You may be wondering how Physical Therapy which tends to require touching, stretching, manipulating, and putting pressure on someone's Joints and muscles can take place via Telemedicine using a digital device such as a computer or smartphone. it is a very valid question, but physical therapy isn’t just about touch. It often involves a lot of analysis of a person’s movements, followed by helping them do exercises.
It has also helped People in Rural Areas who have to drive long distances to a clinic the ability to see a Professional remotely.
For a successful Virtual Physical Therapy, here are the few basic things you need.
- Good Internet Connection.
- Video Camera.
- Microphone.
- Space to lie down, walk, stretch, and turn around, so your therapist can see how your body moves.
- Good Lighting.
- All necessary equipment recommended by your Physical Therapist.
Also, there are a few reasons why you should consider Virtual Physical Therapy
- Accessibility
- Home Safety
- Personalized Care
- Success Rate
- Time Saving
- Transportation
Do you prefer Virtual Physical Therapy or the old Traditional way of Physical Therapy where you have to visit a PT to have a one-on-one session at the Clinic? Let's discuss this in the comment section.