Welcome to i-HEP. A home exercise program that takes innovated video plus a web based platform. This will allow you to have better HEP management and better patient education.
By using i-HEP.com, with minimal data entry and a few clicks, you may go paperless, or provide a unique, customized and printable HEP on the go with little effort.
$204/yr if paid in full.
A 20% discount with PhysicalTherapist.com
This plan is optimal for clinics with one or two practitioners as well as sports medicine programs at high schools and college/universities. This plan allows for up to 50 new patients added per month, every month!
$357/yr if paid in full.
A 20% discount with PhysicalTherapist.com
Multiple practitioners? No problem! Level two is perfect for the growing or well-established clinical practice. This plan allows you up to 300 new patients added per month, every month!
$561/yr if paid in full.
A 20% discount with PhysicalTherapist.com
Do you have a very large clinical practice? This plan allows you unlimited new patients added per month, every month!