Telehealth Happenings and Updates for 2019

In Physical Therapy Articles, Reimbursement Trends and Strategies by EditorLeave a Comment

Today’s guest post comes from telehealth physical therapy expert, Rob Vining.

Lately, there has been a lot of interesting whispers, developments, and happenings in the world of telehealth. In an effort to make healthcare more accessible, more affordable, and in many ways, more transparent — providers, payers, patients, and organizations are looking to technology to bridge that gap.

In fact, there may be updates occurring where telehealth services may emerge as a widely accepted billable service. With updates on this topic, Rob has shared a collection of videos discussing the matter from a couple of helpful perspectives.





More about Rob Vining.
Rob is an orthopedic physical therapist with McKenzie and ART certifications and has worked with patients through telehealth since early 2005. He earned his MSPT degree and his Bachelor of Science in Exercise and Sports Science from Texas State University at San Marcos. Rob has worked continuously throughout his career to provide information to the PT profession about the use and application of technology and telehealth through podcasts (PT TechTalk and the Telehealth 20 Podcast), educational websites and forums (, Telehealth PT Providers group), co-founding two telehealth software companies (Direct Physical Therapy and PTlive, Inc) and a central patient hub for pro-bono physical therapy triage, evaluation and treatment (www.Digital.Physio). He is the primary educator and director of the Telehealth PT Mentorship and Residency where PTs craft and launch their own digital practice to provide telehealth physical therapy for patients. He has personally presented to thousands of PTs, DPT students and a variety of medical professionals about the benefits and use cases for telehealth in the PT profession.

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